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Educational Institutions

An example of services performed include the below

Private Not-For-Profit Four-Year Liberal Arts College

Management and Operations/ CRO 


Assumed property management responsibilities and worked with remaining limited staff and outside vendors to maintain and preserve the value of the two campuses pending a Ch. 11 363 sale process.


Assumed control of cash management, budgeting and financial (and bankruptcy) reporting.


Restored and managed vendor relationships that had been damaged by delinquent payments and poor communication by prior management. 


Worked with insurance agent to right size and maintain required insurance coverages.


Engaged in negotiations with the NY State Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Labor and the NY State Attorney General's Office to resolve regulatory issues related to the closing of the college. 


Closed out 403(b) pension plan and engaged with outside experts to process unpaid employee medical and dental claims under Dowling's self-insured plans. 


Right sized and relocated IT infrastructure to an offsite vendor from the main campus upon its sale.


Plan Administrator


Fulfilled role of Plan Administrator to effectuate distributions to the holders of Secured, Administrative and Priority claims and complete wind down of the college and disposition of any remaining Estate assets. 


Worked with Debtor counsel and the NYSAG's Gift and Charities Bureau to analyze the Debtors endowment funds and provide information required in support of a cy pres petition to reallocate the endowed funds to alternate educational institutions. 



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